RESIDENTS are being asked for their views on the future of Darwen Library.

A bid is being submitted for cash to improve the building, and library chiefs need to know what Darwen residents want for the facility.

Darwen Library and Theatre must make a claim before a March 31 deadline, but details of the Big Lottery bid will be kept under wraps until then as Darwen is competing against other library services.

Library chiefs have written to voluntary groups, businesses and councillors and asked those interested in helping to create a successful bid to send in their views.

And at the Town Centre Forum meeting last Wednesday, residents were asked for their contributions for the first time.

Coun John Milburn, executive member for leisure and culture at the council, said: "The library service is working with children's services and other key partners from the voluntary and commercial sectors to produce a bid to the Big Lottery under their Community Libraries prog-ramme based on Darwen Library and Theatre.

"The plans will include proposals to improve the existing building, taking into account the views of local people.

"The bid was discussed at the recent Darwen Town Centre Forum and residents were asked for their ideas on what they would like."

To be successful, the proposal must include plans to enhance an existing library and take the views of the community into account in developing a non-traditional service. The library already offers various services such as the regular Chill-Out Sessions when 16 to 19-year-olds can enjoy chatting, reading and meeting friends.

Coun Nigel Nuttall hoped residents would take the opportunity to get involved.

He said: "I'm glad to see we are involving people who use the facilities. We have got to ask the people who are going to use it what they want. We have got to get people on board."

Anyone wanting to make a suggestion can contact the library service in writing to Central Library, Town Hall Street, Blackburn, or by email on