A MAN took a cricket bat to his ex-girlfriend's mobility car after learning she had spent time with another man.

Burnley Magistrates heard how Ted Alderson, 42, had issues with drink and depression and was on incapacity benefits.

Alderson, of Heap Street, Burnley, admitted causing £350 worth of damage.

Sophie Lorimer, prosecuting, said Alderson and his victim ended a 12-month relationship in 2003. Injunctions had then been taken out against him.

The victim was in a post office on January 10 when she heard shouts of "I'm going to kill you" from outside. Alderson hit her car bonnet once, saw the victim on the phone to police and ran off.

Richard Taylor, defending, said Alderson was adamant he had paid £125 towards the damage.

The couple had been in a stormy relationship. Alderson had seen one of the victim's ex-partners, who claimed he was with her the previous night.

Alderson - in breach of a conditional discharge for a similar offence - was given a 12-month conditional discharge and must pay £300 compensation.