A CAMPAIGN to raise awareness of the dangers of drinking too much alcohol has been launched in Blackburn.

‘Totally Wasted’, aimed at the younger generation, was unveiled during an event at Blackburn Central High School.


Blackburn, with Darwen Council, has created a four-part series of short films to highlight how if you are young, alcohol can ruin your life in certain circumstances.

The project was produced by the council working in partnership with local design agency TPW and young Blackburn film-maker Aeman Ali Afzal.

The launch event saw every year group from the school given the chance to watch the film over the course of five special assemblies.

Representatives from the council, TPW and Lifeline were on hand to give the pupils a background to the film, its making, and discuss alcohol issues around and young people, and field questions.

Pupils were told that in writing the film young people of all ages, including those from Blackburn Central High School, were spoken to about their awareness of and attitudes towards drinking alcohol at a young age.

These conversations helped to inform the film’s script and typical circumstances when alcohol might be consumed by young people, highlighting various ways in which lives can be “’wasted”’ by starting to drink too young.

Representatives from Darwen’s Cafe Hub were also present to give pupils a taste of some special “‘mocktails”’ created for the occasion.

Cllroun Mohammed Khan, executive member for health and adult social care, said: “This was a fantastic event.

“Full credit to the school and all of its pupils who were really engaged by the film. and clearly taking on board the messages in it.

“They asked lots of questions aftert the end of each session about alcohol and its effects.

“We wanted to put together a campaign that would be influenced by and aimed at young people to show them if you drink alcohol too early in your life it can have a negative impact on your image, on your profile and on your health.

“We also wanted to something that would let them young people know that there are places such as Lifeline that they can go locally if they have any questions or concerns about alcohol.”