LITERACY lessons first trialled in Rossendale are set to feature in a national educational programme supported by Prince Charles.

Teachers at Fearns Community Sports College, in Stacksteads, have worked with the Prince’s Teaching Institute (PTI) for six years on developing English classes.

Now Rebecca Roach, the school’s literacy co-ordinator, has been asked to contribute to a UK-wide teaching aid being produced by the PTI.

She said: “I explained how the main target was to improve literacy through extension and enthusiasm beyond the curriculum.

“I detailed how I introduced a literacy festival for primary schools, literacy trips and our literacy leaders’ scheme.”

The Booth Road teacher shared with the booklet’s authors how last year more than 200 Year 5 pupils from across the valley took part in a literacy picnic, organised by Fearns, and pupils are later said to have improved their comprehension skills.

Miss Roach added: “As literacy co-ordinator, I have learned that engagement and enthusiasm have clear links to academic success and attainment.

“Pupils who are motivated and enjoy learning are far more likely to succeed.

“We faced challenges, this is why I decided to focus on engagement of the community as well as of pupils.”

The literacy leaders scheme has grown in popularity with participants working with teaching assistants to help younger pupils with a weekly reading club – Reading Rocks.

Miss Roach met Prince Charles – four years after being invited down to London to discuss her work.