A MILLION-pound redevelopment for a Pendle park is set to get under way soon.

Plans for Victory Park, Barnoldswick, include building a clubhouse to replace the pavilion, creating a bowling club and making improve-ments in landscaping and drainage.

Pendle Council has already backed the scheme by giving it £600,000 out of its £2million improvement fund, and bids have been put in to other agencies to raise the rest of the cash.

Pendle Council's West Craven Committee is expected to give the go-ahead to the first planning application lodged for the changes when they meet tomorrow.

Ward councillor David Whipp said he would was "delighted" that the project was moving on.

He said: "We have put in an awful lot of work to get to this point, and it's great to see that things are finally getting moving, now that we have found enough money to get it all started."