THE headteacher of one of Pendle's new super-schools is quitting after just four months.

Geoff Walker said while he would be sad to leave Pendle Vale College, his new post was too good an opportunity to turn down.

And the leader of Pendle Council said the fact that Mr Walker was leaving after such a short time at the helm was "not an issue at all" regarding the success of the £250million Building Schools for the Future (BSF) project.

Mr Walker, 48, is leaving Pendle Vale, which replaced Walton High School as part of the scheme, at the end of term to take over as head of a school in Warwickshire, where he first started his career 15 years ago.

He said: "The school I am going to is the biggest in the county and it has a sixth form which is some-thing I really wanted."

Leader of Pendle Council Alan Davies said everyone would be disappointed to see Mr Walker leave the school and that his departure after just four months was not an issue.

He added: "I do not know Mr Walker personally, but I do know the chair of governors at the school and they are very sad to see him go.

"The fact that he is leaving after a short time in charge is not an issue at all."

Deputy head Steve Wilson will take over as acting head until a new headteacher is appointed.