STUDENTS graduating from Blackburn College’s University Centre were honoured at a special ceremony.

Principal Ian Clinton paid tribute to the hard work of hundreds of students as he addressed his final graduation ceremony as the college’s head and chief executive officer.

More than 700 students were honoured at King George’s Hall in Blackburn after receiving degrees, diplomas and post-graduate awards.

Honorary Fellowships of Blackburn College were also awarded to Blackburn-born businessman and business adviser Mike Murray and former student and current Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire, Saima Afzal MBE.

Mr Clinton will leave his post at the college at the end of the year after overseeing an expansion programme since his appointment in 2004.

He said: “For the second year in a row we are celebrating one in five of our students achieving a First Class Honours degree.

“That is a fantastic achievement, not just for the students and now graduates, but also from the teachers and support staff.

“Over the past 10 years I believe Blackburn College has passionately strived to provide the best for all students and it gives all the staff and myself great pleasure to see their success recognised in the presentation of degrees and qualifications.

“While I may be moving on, I will always remember the students who have attended this ceremony and embarked on new graduate careers and opportunities.”

The graduation ceremony was attended by representatives of the college’s validating partners, Lancaster University, the University of Central Lancashire and the University of South Wales.

The event also featured a performance from the Children’s University Choir, made up of primary school pupils from across Blackburn who attend special courses at the college.