A BRIDE and groom were left standing at the altar after their best man was arrested on the morning of the wedding.

Blackburn magistrates heard Wayne Anthony Russell went to his parent’s home to ‘scrub up’ for his role as best man.

But he ended up rowing with his father and police were called after he damaged a door and a microwave.

Russell was arrested and spent the weekend in a police cell instead of celebrating with his friend.

Russell, 34, of Furness Avenue, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to criminal damage.

He was given a conditional discharge for 12 months and ordered to pay £90 compensation to his parents.

John Begg, prosecuting, said Russell hadn’t lived with his parents for some time but had been to their house last Saturday and had a shower and got changed.

Mr Begg said: “It seems there was some kind of disagreement and he took his anger out on their property.”

Andrew Church-Taylor, defending, said Saturday should have been a happy day for Russell but instead, he ended up behind bars.

He said: “A good friend of his called Cliff had invited him to be best man and he had gone to mum and dad’s to shower and change before going to the wedding.

“Unfortunately, father and son don’t get on and words were exchanged. Mother took his side and dad pushed him and as you have heard he reacted, casing damage to property in the home.”

Mr Church-Taylor said Russell had tried to involve third parties to resolve the situation with his father.

He added: “That hasn’t been successful and it would appear this situation between father and son will continue.”