A PRIMARY school was celebrating after an inspection found they had upgraded to a ‘good’ rating.

St Oswald’s Church of England Primary School in Knuzden was described as offering good leadership, good teaching, and that pupils had a good level of achievement.

The Ofsted findings came after the school was last year rated ‘Satisfactory’. Inspectors praised the Stanhill Road primary as being “at the heart” of the local community and highly valued by pupils, their parents and staff.

Ofsted inspector Naomi Taylor said: “Children get off to a good start in the Early Years Foundation Stage and from generally low starting points they make good progress during their time at school.

"Results have improved since the previous inspection. By the time pupils leave school at the end of Year 6 almost all reach standards in English and mathematics that are similar to what is expected nationally for their age. Teaching is good and some is outstanding. Pupils are keen to enjoy lesson activities.”