CRIME figures for the police’s eastern division have been revealed for the week from October 7 to 15.

Using the ‘In The Know’ service, PC Tony Ford said there had been 52 high impact acquisitive crimes (HIAC) recorded across the division during the week.

Crimes classed as HIAC are burglary, theft of or from a vehicle and robbery.

Broken down, there were four burglaries, six thefts of vehicle, 17 thefts from a vehicle and two robberies in Blackburn, a burglary, six theft of vehicles and five thefts from a vehicle in Darwen, in Hyndburn there were two burglaries, a theft of a vehicle and five thefts from a vehicle and, in the Ribble Valley, three thefts from a vehicle.

PC Ford said two areas highlighted for multiple offences were Marsh House in Darwen and Corporation Park in Blackburn.

He also said there had been an emergence of bicycle thefts as a problem across the area.

He said: “Right across the division, but particularly in Darwen, we have seen a rise in the number of reported thefts of pedal cycles.

“Please be aware of the problem and improve cycle security if you can.

“There are a number of excellent and affordable property marking systems available that really help deter theft and improve the chance of recovery should the cycle be stolen.”