A WOMAN fought off an attacker who dragged her into undergrowth on wasteland in Blackburn.

The 25-year-old woman was walking to a relative’s house at around 4.20pm, when she was approached by a man.

She was walking along a ‘cut through’ between Cleveleys Road and Norbreck Close and Silverdale Close when the man put his hand over her mouth and dragged her from a footpath.

The victim bravely fought off her attacker, and as she struggled with him a young boy came past, causing the man to flee the scene, officers said.

Police are now appealing for anyone who witnessed the incident, or anyone who thinks they may know the attacker, to come forward.

The man is described as white, aged around 25-years-old, of skinny build, and around 5ft 5ins tall.

He had short dark hair and was wearing a plain yellow and grey high visibility tabard, with dark ‘workman’ style clothing and boots, and black gloves.

Officers think the attacker may have followed his victim for some time, but the man varied the distance between himself and the woman as he walked behind her.

Detective Inspector Claire Holbrook said: “This was an incredibly distressing ordeal for the woman involved, I am just thankful the man was scared off before she was subjected to anything more traumatic.

“She is recovering well but obviously was very traumatised by this act, which occured in daylight hours.

“Police are following several strong lines on enquiry, and we will make every effort and spare no expense or expertise in tracing this offender.

“We will endeavour to do everything we can to bring the offender to justice.

“We don’t know what the motivations for the attack were because fortunately she managed to fight off the attacker. We are remaining open minded.

“If anybody recognises the description of the man involved and thinks they could identify this person then I would urge them to come forward. I am also keen to speak to anybody who has any information at all which they think could assist our investigation.

“Fortunately we have been able to speak with the young boy who interrupted the attack. He has provided a strong statement.

“We believe that the victim was followed some distance along Laxey Road/Cleveleys Road and Norbreck Close before the attack occurred, and would be keen to hear from anyone who saw the two people walking a short distance apart.”

The woman was wearing a black quilted jacket with a fur collar, dark jeans and dark boots when she was attacked.

Both the man and woman were caught in a heavy rain storm just before the attack, so their clothing may have been noticeably wet.

Anybody with any information can contact police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at Crimestoppers-uk.org.