A MAN who carried out a street attack in the centre of Blackburn, causing his victim a double jaw fracture, claimed the man had burgled his home or threatened him.

Lee Craig was jailed for 17 months for the attack which left Andrew McCarron needing plates and screws in his face.

The judge said there was absolutely no evidence Mr McCarron had burgled Craig’s home, or made threats.

Judge Jacqueline Beech, sitting at Preston Crown Court, also told him: “This was an unprovoked attack when you were drunk.

“This court has no doubt that a term of immediate imprisonment is the only sentence that is appropriate in this case.”

The 45-year-old of Hollin Bridge Street, Blackburn had earlier pleaded guilty to a charge of inflicting grievous bodily harm.

The defendant had been in the habit of sitting on a wall with others, outside the magistrates’ court.

Martin Hackett, prosecuting, said Mr McCarron was on his own, walking down the street on April 24 last year when Craig was seen to run over to him and punch him once to the right side of his face.

The victim later said: “I could feel broken teeth in my mouth as well as pain.

“I knew my jaw was broken straight away because the lower part was completely moved.”

Craig danced around aggressively in front of him, shouting and swearing, saying words like: ‘You've been round my house threatening to do me in’. He added: ‘If you grass, I'll have a cover story ready’.

He had surgery to have two metal plates and some screws inserted in two fractures of his lower jaw. He ended up having to wear a brace.

Mr Hackett said: “He doesn't know why he was attacked by the defendant and why he was singled out in the way he was.”

Craig had previous convictions for offences of violence, the court heard.

Darren Lee-Smith, defending, said it had been a single punch and there had been no sustained assault.

He said: “There has been a significant lapse of time since then, 14 months.”

He asked the judge to consider a suspended sentence.

The judge said Mr McCarron was now scared of going into Blackburn town centre, for fear of coming across Craig and being subjected to another unprovoked attack from him or his friends.