SHOPPERS are warned to take extra care this Christmas following fears over mobile phone robbers.

New figures from Blackburn police show that 30 per cent of robberies in the town centre now involve the theft of mobile phones.

Insp Claire Holbrook said: "Blackburn town centre will be busy with Christmas shoppers and thieves may see this as an opportunity to help themselves to your belongings. I urge shoppers to take the following advice to avoid being an easy target to phone thieves."

l Be aware of suspicious people around you and always be aware of your surroundings, particularly in shopping areas.

l Never hand your phone to a stranger to use.

l Don't walk around with your mobile phone lights illuminated by playing games.

l Avoid using your phone in crowded places, pop concerts or night clubs.

l Avoid walking with your phone on display.

l Record your phone's IMEI security number. This will allow your service provider to bar your phone from calls if stolen.

Insp Holbrook added: "I also ask members of the public to keep other belongings safe and secure as pickpockets will also be operating at this time of year, looking to steal purses and other items from your handbags or pockets."

Robbery figures for the town centre have fallen due to the introduction of a new police robbery team in July.

Insp Holbrook said: "My message to those who are thinking about committing a robbery this year is to think again.

"This team will not rest until you have been arrested and you could be facing Christmas behind bars."