AN historic Darwen pub could be transformed into apartments if a planning application is successful.

The former Cemetery Hotel in Cemetery Road could become four apartments under plans submitted to Blackburn with Darwen Council.

Records of a pub on the site date back to 1888.

According to the plans, little will be changed to the exterior of the building, apart from the removal of signage and chimneys. The proposals would also see a new roof put on the building to prevent water leaking in and the demolition of the rear extension, previously used as a dining area, to make way for two parking spaces per apartment.

In a design statement sent to the council, the developer Carl Bradshaw said: “When a public house is no longer viable as an operational business, then closure is the only option. Under these conditions, redevelopment with an alternative use can be the only viable option.

“The layout and design for the proposed development have evolved following careful consideration to creating an acceptable residential accommodation.

“The proposed change of use will bring back into use a prominent building on a main access route into Darwen.”

The statement added: “The alterations are to allow the residents a high standard of living accommodation.”

Whitehall councillor Karimeh Foster said: “In historical terms, it will be sad to see the pub go as it has been there for many years and acts as a local landmark.

“But, on the other hand, with people short of places to live it is a good idea.

“The pub was struggling when it was still open and if there is little business then is it worth keeping it going?

“Maybe it makes sense to turn it into apartments to help people looking for accommodation in the town.”