BURNLEY'S Intelligent Transport System - branded a waste of money by critics - is due to be finally switched on next month - nearly two years late.

Lancashire County Council's electronic scheme, aimed at improving road safety and giving travel information, was supposed to have come on-line last year.

However, after a series of technical problems, the only information motorists have received is that the system is being tested.

But now the £360,000 project is set to finally become operational, according to county council bosses.

Burnley Council leader Coun Gordon Birtwistle said it was about time the system was up and running.

He said: "I am surprised the signs have not rotted away and fallen down with the delay and incompetence of the county council. I have driven past them for the best part of three months and all they have said is test.

"I am delighted they are eventually going to be used. Anything that will help parking in the town is good."

The county council launched the system in 2005 and erected a number of signs on main routes into the town which would give information on car parking availability, road safety and even shop opening times.

After the system failed to be up and running in 2005, the county council then set a deadline to get it switched on by March this year, which they missed due to staff absence.

Kay Donohoe, owner of Waterlife and Pets in Curzon Street, spoke out against the scheme previously. She said: "It was supposed to be completed months ago. We only have a few car parks in Burnley and the problem isn't with people finding the car parks, it's the lack of parking."

A county council spokesman said: "We are hoping for a switch-on at the beginning of December."