BLACKBURN ROVERS manager Mark Hughes brightened up the day for cancer patients when he visited East Lancashire Hospice.

Patients and their families could not believe it when the player turned manager and icon to many walked through the doors in East Park Road, Blackburn.

Mr Hughes brought laughter to the out-patients who visit the hospice for day therapy as he joked "there better not be any Burnley fans here."

One 76-year-old in-patient, who with his three sons are all life long Blackburn Rovers fans, was overwhelmed and got "Sparky's" autograph.

Dennis Day, was told he had just months to live 12 years ago when he had his voice box removed and has since had lung cancer twice.

Son Martin said: "This is brilliant. Meeting Mark Hughes has made his day.

"He is a major Rovers fan. We all are. He used to go to the matches but he can't really anymore.

"My dad has been so excited. It's great that people like him take time out to help bring a smile to their fans."

Out-patient Albert Windle, 69, of Jubilee Street, Darwen, who has liver and bowel cancer, visits the day centre for therapy.

He said: "I was a big fan when Mark was a player.

"And when he came to Rovers it was brilliant. I used to be a season ticket holder.

"It has been amazing to meet him. It's just brilliant. I shook his hand.

"It's amazing to meet someone so high up at Rovers."

Mr Hughes, whose team play Manchester United today at home said he wanted to visit the hospice as he is a patron of one in his home town, Wrexham.

He said: "I think it is important to support such worthwhile causes as the hospices. It is a great place here.

"There are so many happy smiling patients and that is all credit to the staff. They do a fantastic job."

Mr Hughes was taken on a tour of the hospice facilities, including the kitchen, where staff were serving up his favourite dish - cheese and onion pie.

Rovers chairman John Williams, who accompanied the manager, added: "It is really humbling to see so many people who are ill look so happy.

"The staff are to thank for that."