THE victim of a Blackburn paedophile who used him as bait to attract other children has spoken of his joy after the pervert was jailed for 10 years.

Former trainee priest Joseph Norcross, 55, of Ulverston Close, Highercroft, Blackburn, was convicted by a jury in October of nine sexual offences against young male and female victims during the 1980s.

A former care worker at Calderstones Park, Whalley, Norcross met his 12-year-old male victim in 1982 at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour church, in Pilmuir Road, Blackburn, where he ran a youth football team.

He then embarked on a five -year catalogue of abuse which finally led to the rape of the boy's girlfriend in 1989.

Speaking exclusively to the Lancashire Telegraph after the sentencing, his male victim said: "I don't think anything would make up for what he did to me but I'm happy at the sentence.

"I wanted him to be found guilty and he was. It will allow me to move on with my life.

"If anyone has been in a similar situation they should speak to someone. I came forward because I didn't want it to happen to anyone else.

"I was scared to come forward because after 15 years I wondered whether anyone was going to believe me but they did. This provides closure."

His victim only came forward in 2004 after reading newspaper articles about victims of sexual abuse who were too scared to speak out.

Norcross was sentenced on three separate charges of assaulting a boy under 14, and four of indecent assault on a boy under 16.

He was also sentenced for one count of indecent assault against a 15-year-old girl and one count of rape on the same victim. Sentencing, Judge Robert Brown said: "You spent one year grooming him and then started abusing him. When he started becoming interested in girls you used him as a magnet to attract girls so you could be sexually active with them.

"You were a father figure to him and his mother was grateful for the interest you showed. She thought you provided a good example. How wrong she was."

But speaking outside the court Norcross's daughter, Collette Norcross, 23, of Ravenglass Close, Blackburn, said: "We are going to continue fighting for an appeal for a loved and respected member of the family."