Lancashire Telegraph - Memorials

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Published on 21/09/2024

O'DONNELL Joan James, Diane, Andrew and families would like to express their sincere thanks to all relatives, friends and neighbours for the many kind expressions of sympathy and letters and cards of condolence received during their sad loss. Thanking also Father Paul Brindle for his kind words and comforting ministrations and to all who attended the funeral service and have given donations for M S Society. They would also like to express their appreciation to all medical teams involved in her care for all their support and kindness. To Sue McCormack of Ribble Valley Flowers for the beautiful floral tributes. Particular thanks to Dr. Ian Whyte (retired) for his timely intervention which enabled us to keep Joan with us another 16 years. To all the staff of Brian Price and Son, Funeral Directors of Chatburn for their kindness and support during this difficult time and finally to Nigel for his assistance at the service.


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