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I'm looking for celebrationsJohn Martin ASHCROFT
Published on 28/08/2024
ASHCROFT John Martin LLM JP Marilyn, Johan and Matthew would like to thank all relatives, friends, neighbours and colleagues past and present at Blackburn College, Fellow Magistrates, Fellow members at CIPD, the Church families at the Saviour, St Bartholomew's and St Barnabas' Heapey and St Paul's Withnell for their unwavering love, support and prayers, some going above and beyond the call of duty over the six months of John's illness. Thank you to the Doctors and staff at Witton Medical Centre and the staff at RBH especially on Ward D1 who cared for John with so much kindness and love. A special thank you to Reverends Chris Anderton and James Lapping, Hilda Parker (organ), Ben (sound) and friends at the Saviour and St Barts who turned a funeral into a celebration of John's life in such an uplifting way. Finally, to Jonathan and Hannah at Waring McKenna Funeralcare, our heartfelt thanks for such loving care and attention to detail and for whom nothing is too much trouble. Where would we be without you?Your tribute has been received.
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