Arnside Knott, which stands 521ft (159 metres) above the estuary of the River Kent and on the Cumbria-Lancashire border, is looked after by the National Trust.

The limestone fossil-rich Knott was formed some 350 million years ago and temperatures rose and a shallowing sea dried up, trapping millions of shelled creatures.

My walk First take the time to explore Arnside Knott wood from the car park itself and then follow the signs to Far Arnside.

Being a limestone area the woodland is full of snails and yew trees. I know of people who visit the area just to make a study of the little banded snail. This species, as its name implies, has bands on its shell, the colours of which vary according to what the animal has been feeding on. The yew tree also thrives off limestone. Although it is classified as a conifer the yew carries not a cone but a berry-like structure called an aril which is bright red in colour. These are eaten by birds but are poisonous to us.

At Far Arnside the scene changes because here there is woodland on the right while to the left is an expanse of salt marsh and sand flats. Here grows a plant called glasswort which is also known as marsh samphire. This is becoming popular again as it is sold and added as a garnish on sandwiches, especially beef.

Take time to explore the woodland opposite Park Point. Here are often seen huge mounds of pine needles but take care not to poke a stick into them. These are the nests of wood ants which can inflict a very painful bite and there are thousands of them The route then winds its way to one of my favourite places which is White Creek. This is a huge shingle bank leading to the coastal section of the walk.

This is an excellent place to look for coastal birds and is particularly interesting between October and April, especially when a wind has been blowing. There are two possible routes here depending upon the state of the tide. It is a good idea in the case of seaside walks to buy a set of tide tables from local shops. At low tide I always follow the sandy route to the left but at high tide there is plenty too see in and around Crith Wood.

The two routes join up in the area of New Barns Farm. Between the farm and a wood is a neat caravan park. The path here is obvious and bears to the right Copridding Wood has long been a haunt of serious naturalists.

Some of the plants seen here are at their most northerly limit. Here is found the small leaved lime, the wild service tree and old man’s beard (clematis). Here too grows juniper, the berries of which were used to flavour gin. And also found here, the Scotch argus butterfly which is seen here at the most southerly limit of its range. From this fascinating stretch of woodland a short distance along, an obvious path leads back to the starting point and the car park.