BACUP Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society is hoping to hit a high note from July 6 when it puts on a performance of Brassed Off.

The group, based at the Royal Court Theatre, Rochdale Road, will bring to life the story of Grimley Colliery Band, a bastion of the local community hit by a wave of pit closures in the North of England.

And there will be live music by the 2nd Rossendale Scout Band.

BAODS aims to put on between four and six shows each year ranging from straight drama to stage musical productions and a pantomime.

Pictured, back row, are Rita (Jo Nugent) Sandra (Dawn Rowe) Shane (Lawrence Giltrow-Shaw) Phil (Mark Storton) Harry (Simon Pierce) Danny (Ken Marshall) Andy (Stephen Woods) Gloria (Paula Giltrow-Shaw). Kneeling at the front are Craig (Harvey Barlow) and Melody (Emily Walsh).

Brassed Off is at Royal Court Theatre in Bacup from July 6 to 8 at 7.30pm with a matinee on July 9 at 2.30pm. For tickets call box office on 01706 87408 on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am to 4pm and on Saturdays from 10am to noon.