THINK you know the story of Jack and the Beanstalk? Well think again.

Pantomime stalwart George Critchley has adapted the fairytale and added lots of twists and turns along the way.

The plot may be close to the much-loved fairytale but a new character Fleshcreep has been added, the giant’s evil sidekick who causes mayhem – and also scared a few youngsters in the audience.

I won’t give away the ending, but all is not what it seems in the giant’s castle, adding a nice twist to the original.

Lily Lowe-Myers plays the title role of Jack, much to the confusion of some of the children in the audience who clearly haven’t been versed in panto tradition, as I heard echos of “But she is a girl”.

Once you get over that, it was clear that she was well chosen for the part with a lovely singing voice and good acting ability.

The most laughs came from loveable character Billy, Jack’s brother, who reeled off pun after pun.

There were entertaining renditions of If I Were a Rich Man, Living La Vida Loca and my favourite, an hilarious version of the Time Warp.

There were plenty of laughs from the audience throughout and the two-and-half hour show is well worth a visit.

l Jack and the Beanstalk is at Darwen Library Theatre until December 24. Box office 01254 706006.