By Suzannah Rogerson, Aged 9½.

IT’S now Sunday morning I am just thinking about what a fantastic afternoon my friends and I had watching Aladdin yesterday. The show was fab-u-lous!

My favourite part was saying “Ahh so Widow Twankey” whenever she came on stage.

My favourite scene was when Widow Twankey backed (bottom first) on to the stage to bring the royal laundry.

She and Wishee Washy are struggling and calling out “To me, to you.” It was so funny!

I also really enjoyed Widow Twankey and Wishee Washy in a £5 bet where the answer to every question has to be ‘chopsticks’.

All the boys laughed a lot at the ‘Yeti’ scene.

The costumes were great and the stage sets were really well designed.

Princess Lychee and Aladdin were beautiful; Widow Twankey’s dresses were very unusual but still very appropriate. The Empress and Khazi’s wigs were amazing.

All in all, it was a really great performance and I can’t wait for next year. I’ll be old enough to take part.