IN a world increasingly ruled by all things digital it's refreshing to see an unsigned act turning their virtual following into a tangible one.

Twenty thousand Myspace friends is one thing, sell-out gigs are another.

Tickets were like gold dust for this gig.

The venue was packed to the rafters with avid fans who knew the songs contained in the set - proof that this is not just passing trade but the true following of a band at the top of their game.

Outsider's set crackled with vibrancy. They were tight and on form, firing out their brand of U2 or Keane - flavoured driving rock in a consistent and taut manner.

Firm favourites Mute, Understanding and The Mole really set the venue alight, while new song What's Your Sound had an immediate impact, holding the crowd enthralled.

When it's all over the crowd disperse and I am left with one nagging thought.

Doubtless Outsider are a fantastic band, proficient and thoroughly engaging.

They could easily go on to greater things and build a national fanbase.

However, the fact they remain unsigned possibly indicates they could do well to not wear their influences on their sleeve so much.