From Bernard Nainghin of Hancock Street, Blackburn.

An egg is a wonderful thing, it can be fried, boiled or beat,
But could an occasional table be turned into a three piece suite?
If a girlfriend lets you down she could have stood you up,
And if you are playing cricket you will never win the FA Cup.
You see sausages hanging up in a butcher's window this can make you frown,
For in the very same window you can see them hanging down.
If a door is ajar is it empty or is it full?
Is angora an animal or is it just a ball of wool?
What is a deer stalker is it a hunter of a type of hat?
Is a laughing hyena a dog or Lewis Carroll's Cheshire cat?
If you know the answer to some or all of these,
Will you please inform my grandad he's the one with knobbly knees.
If you are not happy tell yourself a funny joke,
Then turn yourself inside out and vanish in a cloud of smoke.