AND so it's finally over. The incredibly shouty woman has shouted for the last time, the annoying Geordie has completed his final voiceover and a new bunch of role models for the gullible has been created.

The question is how will Channel 4 fill its schedules now that the inmates have been released and Big Brother is over?

Certainly the programmers won't be panicking about the next couple of weeks as they roll out various highlights shows. There's the contestants reunion show to look forward to and no doubt we can expect a number of exclusive' interviews.

I have to say I gave up on Big Brother several weeks ago. From being mildly entertaining and then threatening to become almost compelling viewing, it then just became annoying.

To be honest I don't care whether Nikki is cold, why Aisleyne can't stop crying and what Glyn gets up to when he's drunk.

Please Channel Four call it a day. All the elements which made Big Brother such a success when it was first broadcast have long since disappeared.

Let's face it, you'll never get any normal' people going on the show ever again. Unless you live on Mars you know the format and how to play the game.

The lure of the newspaper deals and advertising contracts that seem to await even the most appalling housemate make greed a prime motivator.

As a result it cannot be viewed as an interesting experiment in social interaction. It just panders to our lowest instincts. Watching a bunch of people you'd run a mile from in real life getting drunk just isn't entertaining.