WHO knew that Home And Away is in fact a psychological study in existential angst? Hayley, who are you? Who am I?

You turn your back for a couple of episodes and the actress who has played Hayley for the past six and a half years, has been replaced. Not only that, she's been replaced with a mousy haired thing who looks nothing like her.

One minute she was lying in hospital sinking into a coma. The next she wakes up as an entirely different Hayley. I've heard of face transplants, but this is ridiculous.

They couldn't even get the hair colour right. Did the producers think we wouldn't notice? Put Home and Away into Google and you'll be relieved to know you're not alone in being confused.

"A new Haley on Home And Away?" says the messageboard. "I couldn't believe it!!" one viewer wrote. "It's not going to work," another lamented.

But it did work for Pippa, can you remember what the original one looked like?

And it's not confined to Australia. A Coronation Street fan told me Tracy Barlow went upstairs to play a record and six years later came down as someone else entirely.

Back in Home and Away, all her fellow actors may be calling her Haley but you can't help seeing a who are you trying to kid with your mousy hair' smirk. All I can say is Haley don't look in the mirror. Just don't!