THEY say the geeks shall inherit the earth and it's no wonder have you seen all the amazing stuff they've got to help them?

I hadn't caught Channel Five's Gadget Show before being brow-beaten into it last night.

But after the first five minutes of moaning about missing Emmerdale, I was hooked.

Did you know, in 40 years' time we'll all be able to download our brains on to a computer and put them into an android? Me neither.

Who did? I know it wasn't so long back we were all convinced we'd be dressing in silver space suits and driving in the sky by 2006, thanks to Tomorrow's World, but this is exciting stuff.

In 15 years we'll have active contact lenses that will let paraplegic people shut the curtains just by thinking it or at least I think that's what the presenter said.

But it wasn't all about the future, there was lots of brilliant stuff for gadget lovers to enjoy now.

For example, the Gladius night-op. It may sound like a Latin flower name, but is in fact the daddy of all torches, as used by the SAS.

By the end I would have swapped my right arm for one, despite the fact that I can't remember the last time I ever thought about needing a torch, even fleetingly.

We also heard the history of metal detectors, the future of 3D scanners, and a review of the top four new websites we should try.

Of course the geeks will inherit the earth. With all this, the rest of us never really stood a chance.