WELL the big adventure is over, the “journey” is complete.

Go on, admit it, whether you were a fan or not, Diana’s exit from the X Factor can’t have failed to raise a spark of emotion in even the most flint-hearted cynics.

As she and the Quigglet stood side by side awaiting their fate - one through to next week‘s final, one off home - there was genuine tension in the air.

As an an aside, why do audience members on the X Factor think they can influence the result by shouting out inanely all the time?

Then came the moment Diana supporters hoped would never come - clearly the teenage girl voters (on whom shows like X Factor largely depend) preferred the bird’s nest haircut of the little leprechaun to the Lancashire lass who was living out all their dreams.

Cue the tears - and that was from the ‘winner’ - and we all went aah! Still thanks Diana, you’ve given all the secret X Factor watchers a legitimate excuse for tuning in every Saturday night.