Raise your hand if you hate your alarm clock. I think that’s probably most of the population.

As we make a frantic dash for the snooze button, squeezing just an extra few minutes in bed, we think “What’s the harm?”

But how many people have the kind of job where those few minutes could actually mean the difference between life and death?

More than you would realise. And none more than the emergency services.

The courageous men and women of the Scottish Highlands emergency services are equipped to deal with rescues in all manner of hostile and remote locations.

If the mountain medics, coastguards and RAF don’t make it out of bed in the morning, it could have been a different outcome for the two boys that drifted out to sea, the seriously ill sea-kayaker, and the badly injured cyclist – all rescued in last night’s documentary.

These guys deserve our undying gratitude.