WHAT is it about lists on TV that fascinate us all so much?

Take Saturday night's offering on Channel 4 - the 50 Greatest Comedy Characters.

You probably did like I did, turn on to watch the first part just to see who is featured and, bang, three hours later you're still watching.

The great thing about these programmes is that we all have our own views and no one programme will ever please everyone.

Quite rightly Basil Fawlty was at the top (sorry for spoiling it if you recorded the show) but was I the only one to detect a slightly odd line up?

After all the characters from Peep Show better than Frank Spencer; Spaced better than Captain Mainwaring from Dad's Army?

And then there was Earl from My Name I Earl in the top 20.

Sorry, but do you know anyone who has ever watched the programme?

Now I may be being cynical but all these surprise packages were shown guess where?

Yes, that's right on Channel Four.

But then the Beeb were equally as biased when they did the top 100 comedy series a while back with all but one of the top 20 being their own output.

Still it was much better viewing than Grease/Joseph Factor Idol even if Ricky Gervais got in the top five and where was Vyvyan from The Young Ones?