LIKE most TV viewers I'm no fan of repeats but they do come in handy if, like me, you set the video for the wrong channel on Sunday night!

So rather than having to miss out on my weekly Top Gear fix, last night I was able sit back and chuckle along with the Hamster and Captain Slow.

This most recent series should have beyond any doubt confirmed that Top Gear is not a programme for petrolheads - it's simply the best entertainment programme on TV.

Yes it can be a bit laddish at times and if you are of the politically correct persuasion it will have you reaching for the phone to complain at least five times a show.

But it's original, funny and above all, compelling viewing.

Last night our intrepid trio got the chance to behave like schoolboys as they decided to grow their own petrol.

Basically it was an excuse to lark about on some monster tractors and generally behave like hooligans.

The reason Top Gear is so good is the level of camaraderie between the presenters.

They are just three mates who happen to have TV cameras pointed at them while they mess about.

Yes, Jeremy Clarkson is obsessed by speed (and Kristin Scott Thomas) but he can't get away with being pompous for too long before he's brought down to earth.