A BOOK of memories has been compiled by members of Belmont Community Centre, in Burnley.

For they have created their own reminiscence book, setting out their recollections of days gone by, in a year-long project.

The book was officially launched this week, and is now on sale at the Lancashire County Council centre for £3.

More than 100 members have worked on the book of memories, writing stories and poems of daily life and times past.

Printed professionally by Blackburn with Darwen CVS, the cover was produced by young people at Brunshaw Youth Club, who added their own comments about the book's memories.

Among the pages are reminiscences of rag rugs, often made on long winter evenings by the fire, when the children would cut up old coats, dresses and skirts into strips; laundry day, using dolly tubs and dolly blue; evacuation during the war years, and donkey stones.

Members also talk about tin baths, brought out once a week if you were lucky, kaolin poultices, and tripe and cow heel stew!

Some have written about their war and national service, their childhood or land girl days, as well as tales of their life as a miner, or policeman.

l Looking Back plans to publish some of these stories from the reminiscence book over the coming weeks.