READ through the years has been put in focus by villagers who have unearthed a host of photographs of days gone by.

They answered a plea from their village library which wants to build up an archive of images showing life in and the people of Read over the years.

Staff have been delighted with the response and set up a display for library visitors to view and reminisce.

However, they are looking for this to be an on-going project, so would still welcome any more photographs found in your attic or album.

The three photos here are just a sample of those hunted out and if you can help identify, the date, place and, more importantly, any of the people Jackie Hindle at the library would love to hear from you.

Our first photo shows St John's walking day in the 1920s - the girls; cloche hats are an immediate giveaway - while the second is a wedding photograph taken around 1900.

Guests posing for the camera in all their finery in Wood Terrace, Simonstone, were attending the wedding of Ada Rushton and Mr Blundell.

Our last one shows the triumphant cricketers of Read Cricket Club, who were the Ramsbottom Cup winners in 1956.