
  • Let's put trains on right track

    RAIL services are a vital lifeline to communities across East Lancashire. But in recent years it's true that they have not had a good press as problems with comfort and reliability have put many passengers off travelling on some routes. No one wants to

  • It's time for a comeback for detective Drake in mystery

    THE mystery of Inspector Drake and the Time Machine sees a professor's dead body floating weightless in a study and the disappearance of his daughter - and all fingers point to the time machine. This comedy by David Tristram is the second in a trilogy

  • Council acted in voters' interests

    I WRITE in response to Richard McSween and Helen Christie's letter re Burnley Council and the BNP (LET, November 16). I do not think that the council have given in to pressure from the BNP but have acted in the interest of thousands of voters that voted

  • They're right to ban comedian

    WERE Richard MacSween and Helen Christie also appalled when Burnley Council pulled the plug on Bernard Manning when he was due to perform at Burnley Mechanics last year? The people of Burnley area had a right to see a comedian of his reputation also,

  • Locked in!

    FIREFIGHTERS came to the rescue of a Prestwich pensioner after she accidentally locked herself in her home. The woman was trapped in her property in Oldfield Road last Friday night when a door handle came off. Luckily, she had access to a telephone and

  • Residents part of recycling mill' success story

    ENVIRONMENTALLY-friendly residents throughout the borough have helped a recycling mill become the largest in the country. UPM Shotton works with Bury Council to buy the recovered magazine, newspapers and junk mails collected from kerbside schemes and

  • Crucifix found in war is returned to church

    A CRUCIFIX found in the rubble of a church in Europe during the First World War has been given to a local church. Now the cross has been dedicated at Radcliffe Parish Church after it was presented to it by Mrs Sandra Olive. It was found on the site of

  • CD thief made 'hash' of drug rehabilitation

    A SHOPLIFTER with 94 previous offences made a "hash" of his rehabilitation by lapsing back into stealing, a court heard. Ian Dawson had been making progress in his fight against drug addiction when he stole CDs from a Bury supermarket, magistrates were

  • Blood stains led to arrest

    BLOOD found at the scene of a burglary at a Bury medical centre led to the arrest of a 21-year-old man. David Payne, of Goldfinch Drive, Bury, pleaded guilty before the town's magistrates to entering Huntley Mount Medical Centre and stealing a computer

  • More people are visiting bracing Bury!

    BURY is sharing in the growth of tourism across Greater Manchester, according to new figures. Tourism has grown by almost 40 per cent since 1999 and is now worth £2.23 billion to the region's economy. The figures, for 2003, show that Bury recorded a rise

  • SPLASH Splash bash!

    A BURNLEY water polo player was smacked in the eye and put in hospital after he was allegedly attacked by a rival player, a jury heard. Burnley Crown Court was told how Jon Williamson suffered serious injury after he was said to have been punched by Christopher

  • Buses going hi-tech to boost service

    THE LATEST in satellite technology is to be used to help Bury buses run on time. Operators First has announced it is to improve service monitoring using its Tracker vehicles. These will involve route 98, Bury to Manchester, via Whitefield and Radcliffe

  • Jealous boyfriend grabbed officer

    A POLICE officer was assaulted after an uninvited guest appeared at the Bolholt Hotel in Bury, a court heard. Bury magistrates were told how Michael Baker, a 22-year-old welder, caused a commotion at the hotel on Walshaw Road where his girlfriend, teaching

  • Thommo rides to the rescue

    BLACKBURN Rovers midfielder David Thompson last night revealed how the amazing story of Lance Armstrong has helped him to get his career back on track. Over the last 18 months, Thompson has been to Hell and back after a catalogue of injury problems have

  • Thief not allowed in centre after jail release

    A PROLIFIC thief has been jailed for three months and banned from Burnley centre under a two-year anti-social behaviour order. Andrew Purvis, 23, of Wren Street, Burnley, who had admitted pinching a radar from an unmarked police vehicle, offended within

  • Shakers rediscover the home winning formula

    Bury 1 Notts County 0: SOMETIMES results are more important than the performance and this was one occasion when that was definitely the case. The Shakers have played better and lost this season but the three points they picked up against a gutsy County

  • Team to fight for nature area

    A RESIDENTS' group has been formed to fight for a nature reserve on council-owned land at Gib Hill. At meeting in the Great Marsden Hotel the team was set up to team to lobby for land below Marsden Golf Course to be given special status. Dr John Plackett

  • Lighting-up time

    ROAD to Nowhere star Paddy McGuinness followed the route to Bury to switch on the Christmas lights in the Mill Gate shopping centre, with around 1,500 excited fans and spectators looking on. Paddy, currently starring with Peter Kay in Max and Paddy's

  • Drink-driver hit a lamp post

    A TEENAGER found over the limit after he smashed his car into a lamppost and abandoned it, was fined £100. Burnley Magistrates heard how apprentice electrician Martin Tyrrell, 19, had intended to sleep in his friend's camper van after a night out in Colne

  • 50 years ago:

    AN escaped prisoner was seen in Burnley calling on a friend for a cup of tea. The man, who was serving a 12-year sentence, popped in to see his friend in Padiham Road and she called police. Every police officer in the town was alerted but their search

  • Rovers need a leader in defence

    The Jason Whalley column DESPITE other issues around the club at this time - as there appear to be every week when I come to write this piece - I am going to concentrate on the football. At the moment Blackburn Rovers Football Club are in a perilous position

  • 'Please return our milk bottles to us"

    HYNDBURN residents are being urged not to put milk bottles in their blue recycling box for collection by the borough council. Local milk distributors, who re-use the bottles returned to them, said since the authority launched its blue box kerbside collection

  • Fence to keep pack of vandals out of station

    A SECURITY fence is to be put around Accrington ambulance station to tackle problems with vandalism. The new fencing is to be put around the entire perimeter of the site at the request of staff to try to deter the vandals who have been persistently targeting

  • Duffy blow for Clarets

    BURNLEY have missed out on extending Richard Duffy's stay at the club. The defender's two-month loan spell ended at the weekend and he has been recalled by Premiership Portsmouth. Pompey boss Harry Redknapp's need for defensive cover in the wake of David

  • Clarets aim to keep Duffy

    BURNLEY were today hoping to extend Richard Duffy's loan for a third and final month. The Portsmouth defender has made clear his wish to remain at Turf Moor, where he has made eight appearances since arriving in late September. Duffy's second month expired

  • Hughes is ready to put up a fight

    BELEAGUERED Chorley manager John Hughes has vowed to continue his fight to drag the Magpies out of the relegation zone. Hughes says he isn't feeling the pressure, despite winning only three out of 18 league games and occupying second bottom spot. And

  • Former Magpies are back with Moly

    THERE is no room for sentiment in any team of Mark Molyneaux's. The Rossendale United player manager was delighted his side moved out of the UniBond First Division relegation zone courtesy of their 2-1 home win over Warrington Town. Nevertheless, he has

  • Lack of support forced me to quit

    LEE Sculpher has revealed the deep frustration which led to him bringing his 13-year association with Clitheroe to an end. The 34-year-old quit as manager of the Shawbridge club after three years in charge, ahead of their weekend clash with high-flying

  • Otto belts up for charity

    A MUSICIAN who swapped Ainsworth for America has come up with a novel way to help raise money for needy children. Otto Ohlsson (27), of Broomfield Close, has been on the west coast of America for six weeks now after flying out there for a bit of inspiration

  • High school joins the fold

    A PRESTWICH high school celebrated a landmark agreement with Bury Council last week. The former Manchester Jewish Grammar School, in Charlton Avenue, launched a new name and was welcomed into Bury local education authority's family of schools for the

  • Duffy blow for Clarets

    BURNLEY have missed out on extending Richard Duffy's stay at the club. The defender's two-month loan spell ended at the weekend and he has been recalled by Premiership Portsmouth. Pompey boss Harry Redknapp's need for defensive cover in the wake of David

  • Rovers ponder Reid appeal

    BLACKBURN Rovers manager Mark Hughes will meet with Steven Reid today to discuss how the midfielder plans to respond to a Football Association charge. Reid was charged with improper conduct by the FA yesterday after appearing to elbow Birmingham's Jesper

  • Glyn gets the nod

    GOALKEEPER Glyn Garner is the latest player to pick up the Forever Bury supporters' trust's Player Of The Month Award. The Welshman, who is currently recovering from a knee operation, finished just ahead of defender Colin Woodthorpe for his performances

  • Lightweight Rams exit in cup shocker

    Skelmersdale United 3 Ramsbottom United 0: THE Rams crashed out of the FA Vase with a resounding defeat. Despite having much of the possession it soon became clear the visitors were lacking a target man to link with Michael Saunders, who had no joy all

  • Lack of midfield bite costs sloppy Boro

    Radcliffe Borough 2 Spenneymoor United 2: BORO lost control of midfield either side of half-time and it ultimately cost them a win, against an adaptable and skilful Spennymoor side that took full advantage of the opportunities accorded to them by an off-colour

  • M65 sign wrangle goes on

    CAMPAIGNERS who have spent almost two years trying to get a motorway services sign altered were today told: "It could take months yet." Now Darwen MP Janet Anderson is so fed up with the delay, she plans to raise the issue in Parliament this week. Both

  • Barcelona flights set to take off

    FLYING to Barcelona will be cheaper than getting the train to Manchester when a new service sets off from Blackpool Airport next year - according to the airline behind them. Flights to Girona, an airport serving the Catalan capital, will start from just

  • Family party for five - that's five generations

    FIVE generations of one family came together to celebrate the shared birthday of a 90-year-old woman and her one-year-old great, great grandson. Hannah Mounsey, of Rothesay Road, Shadsworth, and little Jake celebrated the remarkable coincidence with a

  • Reds are on Sky

    ACCRINGTON Stanley will make their second live Sky Television appearance of the season at Halifax Town. The away fixture has been moved from New Year's Day to Monday, January 3, with a 12.05pm kick-off . This will be the fifth time the Reds have featured

  • Gaffe cost us game, says Coleman

    JOHN Coleman believes a crucial refereeing decision cost Accrington Stanley at least a draw against Nationwide Conference leaders Barnet. Ian Craney had what looked a certain equaliser dubiously ruled out for offside after Barnet had taken a first half

  • Unlucky Stanley stung by Bees

    WHEN a bee stings it dies. But there was little in Barnet's performance to suggest the club will go the same way as the inspiration for their nickname. The Conference leaders never outclassed Accrington Stanley, but they took their chances, and that will

  • Is this justice?

    AS a resident of Bury since 1953, I am sad and disgusted by the actions of 'our' councillors. Hard-working volunteers at Bury Hospice, who do more than should ever be expected, have been charged £100 to use the Elizabethan Suite for four hours. Is this

  • 'Monstrosity' is a waste of time

    NOT only does this council want to spend £180,000 of our hard-earned money on block paving the residential side of Spring Street, they happily waste it on improving Heywood Street. Now comes a total monstrosity on the Victoria estate in Whitefield. They

  • Stick to the facts

    ALTHOUGH I enjoy reading P. Kaiserman's regular rants against the BNP, I feel I must take him to task with regard to his latest letter. This most recent outburst appears to be motivated not by any altruistic consideration for ethnic minorities, but by

  • Leader obviously didn't teach maths

    I AM writing in response to Councillor Byrne's letter (november 5). I can not believe the arrogance of this man. If anyone criticises the council he seems to want to aunch a personal attack on them. Can the man not accept the truth? Correspondent Jim

  • Margo

    Worries at putting my life in spotlight IT'S a very odd thing writing your life story. First of all you feel that you have a bit of a cheek in thinking that anyone would want to read it, let alone pay for the 'pleasure' of doing so. Suddenly, all aspects

  • Great turnout on Poppy Day

    MAY I take this opportunity to thank the dignitaries, societies and the people of Great Harwood for their tremendous support at the Remembrance Day Parade to the Cenotaph. It really was a day to remember those who gave their lives. I would also like to

  • What if target was different?

    IN reply to Richard MacSween and Helen Christie's letter (November 16) complaining about Burnley Council cancelling Jeremy Hardy's appearance at the Mechanics, because Mr Hardy said BNP members should be shot. I can't help but wonder if they would have

  • Muslims should be free to worship

    RIBBLE Valley Borough Council has turned down once again the application by the Muslims of Clitheroe to build a small mosque in our town. The pretext was the alleged prior need to provide more sheltered accommodation for the aged, whereas the chief executive's

  • Woman is facing trial

    A woman is to face trial accused of assaulting a man in a domestic incident. Maria Diane Mills (34), of Holcombe Precinct, Holcombe Brook, has denied a charge of assaulting Paul Anthony causing actual bodily harm. The case was adjourned by Bury magistrates

  • Pioneering new 'rookie' identity cards

    NEW police recruits are to be given new IDs to identify them as learners. Greater Manchester Police has become the first provincial police force to give trainee bobbies white ID cards, rather than a traditional blue warrant card, to identify them as officers

  • 'Halt racism in Spanish soccer'

    EURO MP Gary Titley has demanded that Spain kicks racism out of football after English players were abused during last week's friendly match. The Radcliffe-based MEP said the racial taunts directed at Ashley Cole and Shaun Wright-Philips were "completely

  • Domesitc violence get the red card

    MANCHESTER United's Old Trafford ground has played host to a conference aimed at stamping out domestic violence across the North West. The seminar was organised by the region's police forces, including Greater Manchester and Lancashire, and covered issues

  • Showing life on the streets

    A POIGNANT photography exhibition depicting life on the streets of Bury is now open. The exhibition, at The Met in Market Street, is run in conjunction with Bury Lifelong Learning and the Homeless Project, which visits different neighbourhoods and allows

  • Locked up for love

    A MAN banned from seeing his bride-to-be under a controversial anti-social-behaviour order was today behind bars for breaching the order. And his distraught partner today claimed that William Parker had been "locked up for love". "He refused to let them

  • Alarm saves couple in house blaze

    FIRE chiefs say a Radcliffe couple could have been trapped in their blazing home but for a smoke alarm which alerted them. The husband and wife were awoken by the device, allowing them to escape from their first floor maisonette in Chapelfield before

  • War veterans invited to visit old battlefield

    LOCAL war heroes are being invited to return to the battlefields to honour their fallen comrades. As the borough prepares to remember Britain's war dead this Sunday, the Big Lottery Fund has announced new awards for Second World War veterans to revisit

  • Old habits are dying hard

    BLACKBURN Rovers manager Mark Hughes has vowed to eradicate the sloppy defensive errors that are undermining the club's survival chances. Rovers appeared to be heading for a seventh Premiership defeat of the season at the hands of Birmingham City yesterday

  • Rovers ponder Reid appeal

    BLACKBURN Rovers manager Mark Hughes will meet with Steven Reid today to discuss how the midfielder plans to respond to a Football Association charge. Reid was charged with improper conduct by the FA yesterday after appearing to elbow Birmingham's Jesper

  • Drop-in centre set for official launch

    A NEW community drop-in centre Burnley Wood residents will officially open its doors next month. The Branch Road centre is a joint venture between Accent North West and Burnley Wood Community Action Group. Organisers said it proved a popular and useful

  • Welly I never! It's a name swap 'uproar'

    A PUB owner says changing the name of his historic watering hole in Burnley could cause 'uproar'. The Wellington Hotel, Todmorden Road, which was built back in 1861, is currently undergoing a £250,000 revamp to transform it into a state-of-the-art live


    SPLASH Splash bash! A BURNLEY water polo player was smacked in the eye and put in hospital after he was allegedly attacked by a rival player, a jury heard. Burnley Crown Court was told how Jon Williamson suffered serious injury after he was said to have

  • But there has to be a limit

    CORRESPONDENT Judy Paskell (Letters, November 4) seems to have missed my point. I agree that some immigrants have benefited our way of life, but we live on a small island and there has to be a limit on how many people we can take. The BNP are not Nazis

  • 10 years ago:

    FIREFIGHTERS were searching for trapped children after scaffolding collapsed outside five houses in Blackburn. A fire chief said it was a miracle nobody had been killed by falling rubble and metal at Larkhill Terrace. The homes were due to be demolished

  • 25 years ago:

    TWO brave Darwen shop assistants fought off robbers as shocked shoppers looked on in amazement. Courageous Co-op worker George Cook, 60, of Westwell Street, was treated for cuts to the head after being hurled against the shop window by robbers. But Mr

  • Baby woodland helpers needed

    A HYNDBURN environmental group is looking for volunteers to help plant more trees in a community wood that was created to mark the start of the new millennium. The Millennium Baby Woodland in Altham was created by the Prospects Foundation to celebrate

  • Make or break plan for abbey

    PLANS to transform Whalley Abbey into a 21st century conference centre are expected to move a step closer tonight. The Blackburn Diocese of the Church of England wants to upgrade its historic retreat house and conference centre in a bid to attract more

  • Boss Cotterill values quality over quantity

    IT'S the oldest trick in the book. The struggling manager at an under-achieving club has the fans on his back. The solution? Simple. Go after one of the division's top players and make sure the press (and therefore by logical extension the supporters)

  • Cotterill switch puts Clarets in control

    STEVE Cotterill revealed the tactical change that allowed Burnley to claim back-to-back wins for the first time during his reign. The Burnley boss waited just 15 minutes before moving Ian Moore from an orthodox striking role to the left wing in a masterstroke

  • Talisman Blake is the real deal

    JOE Kinnear must be sadly deluded in thinking he could lure Robbie Blake away from Burnley on the cheap. And the talismanic striker once again underlined his importance to Burnley by scoring a seaside special and sending Kinnear a clear signal that he

  • Nelson boosted by grant

    LANCASHIRE League club Nelson have become one of the first to benefit from the England and Wales Cricket Board's development fund. The Seedhill club have been pledged a grant of £25,062 which they are to put towards a new two-bay artificial net practice

  • Home sweet home for Colne

    COLNE manager Nigel Coates is delighted his side have been handed a home draw in the FA Vase third round. Colne, who reached the semi-final stage of the competition last season, will entertain North West Counties Division One rivals Stone Dominoes when

  • DJ hit policeman's car and gave false name

    A DJ compounded his error of driving into the back of an off-duty policeman's car by exchanging false details, a court heard. David Bury (32), of Kingfisher Drive, Bury, pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident without exchanging correct details

  • 200 new jobs in revamp

    BURY'S biggest private employer O2 has completed a £2 million refurbishment as it recruits an additional 200 staff for its busy Dumers Lane call centre. Once the vacancies are filled, it will bring the total workforce up to 1,200 and re-inforce the giant

  • Sedgwick makes it two

    Hot on the heels of Patrick Agyemang, Rotherham's Chris Sedgwick has signed a three and a half year contract at Preston North End. The move was completed earlier today when the 24-year-old put pen to paper on a deal worth in the region of £400,000. The

  • National Division One Table

    P W D L F A BP BT Pts Bristol 10 9 0 1 362 152 1 5 42 Exeter 9 7 0 2 283 143 2 7 37 Plymouth Albion 10 8 0 2 228 136 1 3 36 Birmingham & Solihull 10 7 0 3 281 200 1 6 35 Rotherham Titans 9 6 0 3 255 171 2 5 31 Penzance/Newlyn 10 6 0 4 244 194 1 3

  • Coca Cola League Two Table

    P W D L F A Gd Pt Scunthorpe 18 10 5 3 31 17 14 35 Swansea 18 10 3 5 19 14 5 33 Yeovil 18 9 4 5 33 23 10 31 Leyton Orient 18 7 7 4 28 24 4 28 Lincoln City 18 7 6 5 27 22 5 27 Cheltenham 18 7 6 5 17 14 3 27 Southend 18 8 3 7 28 27 1 27 Macclesfield 18

  • Matty aiming to hold onto shirt

    BURY'S Matt Barrass is determined to keep his place in the wake of skipper Dave Challinor's absence. The versatile defender, who is on a short term contract after a series of troublsome knee injuries, was a shining light in Saturday's 1-0 home victory

  • Working student is star of her course

    DARWEN student Janette McCamley has been handed a top award after getting the best marks in Lancashire for her course. She scooped the Chartered Institute of Marketing's top marketing students award for achieving the highest mark overall for CIM students

  • MP's mobile plea backed in speech

    THE Government has stepped up MP Janet Anderson's crusade to tackle drivers who use mobile phones, announcing tougher penalties in the Queen's Speech. The Rossendale and Darwen MP persuaded Labour to outlaw the practice but there has been evidence many

  • Windfall for volunteers

    VOLUNTEERS working for a Rossendale environmental project were celebrating today after scooping a £50,000 cash windfall from the Government. Groundwork Rossendale secured the funds from the Home Office Volunteer Recruitment Fund to support their work

  • Animal magic in memory of Amy

    BIKERS from across East Lancashire have paid a unique tribute to a young hit-and-run victim - by ensuring animals at two local sanctuaries are well fed this Christmas. Forty members of the Accrington Motorcycle Club travelled to Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary

  • Traffic lights chaos

    MILES of tailbacks blocked Blackburn's roads yesterday - due to traffic lights that stayed green for just 10 seconds. The race to get through at the bottom of Whalley Old Road left nearly a three-mile hold-up during the rush hour. Blackburn with Darwen

  • Locked up for love

    A MAN banned from seeing his bride-to-be under a controversial anti-social-behaviour order was today behind bars for breaching the order. And his distraught partner today claimed that William Parker had been "locked up for love". "He refused to let them

  • Police quiz Yorke over racism row

    BLACKBURN police were today travelling to Birmingham to interview Dwight Yorke over an alleged racist incident against the football star. Blackburn Rovers bosses met with police at the Ewood Park ground yesterday after the allegations, following Blackburn

  • Stop animals making our lives hell!'

    ANGRY residents met with police and council chiefs to blast: "We can't live with the youth menace on our streets." At a packed public meeting last night, Audley residents urged authorities to tackle problems that have seen officers called to the area

  • Get involved or it's the end of the line

    THREE stretches of under-used railway lines in East Lancashire could soon need local councils, passengers and communities to pay for them. They are among 56 facing closure unless more is done to increase customer numbers. The stretches under threat include

  • Sedgwick makes it two

    Hot on the heels of Patrick Agyemang, Rotherham's Chris Sedgwick has signed a three and a half year contract at Preston North End. The move was completed earlier today when the 24-year-old put pen to paper on a deal worth in the region of £400,000. The

  • Have they objected?

    FURTHER to the letter from Mrs Austin (November 12) about the banning of Santa in Birmingham because it 'may cause offence to non-Christians', the fact is that many non-Christians are business people and so Christmas sales are of benefit to them. If they

  • We are fighting 'an invasion'

    JUDY Paskell (Letters, November 5) seems to suggest that because some people like to eat in foreign restaurants, we should allow more asylum-seekers to come here. But surely the indigenous British people should have their feelings considered also. Correspondent

  • Pupil's culinary skills are put to the test

    COOKING up a treat are the pupils at Derby High School who put their culinary skills to the test for a catering contract. The 190 pupils, aged 14 and 15, were joined by staff from The Royal Bank of Scotland and catering students from Bury College to plan

  • Crash driver was overtaking - court told

    A motorist allegedly overtook a car at double the speed limit just moments before he struck into a 15-year-old Radcliffe schoolgirl as she crossed the road. Natalie Danielle Pickwick Jones, of Olsberg Close, was pronounced dead at Fairfield Hospital after