
  • Repairs chop to hold down rents

    TOWN hall bosses have been forced to make huge cuts in repair budgets to stop a dramatic rise in council house rents. The cost of renting a council home in Blackburn and Darwen will rise by 5.5 per cent from April. But Labour chiefs claim thjat without

  • CRICKET: Wasim fired with enthusiasm

    WASIM AKRAM has dedicated himself to bringing the County Championship back to Old Trafford for the first time in 64 years. The Test star has been dropped from Pakistan's latest squad to tour South Africa and Zimbabwe. It's a bitter blow for the 31-year-old

  • Looking after Number One!

    PHILIP Congdon (Letters, January 15) highlights some of the abysmal failures of a political party which rode to power on the backs of the real Labour voters. He is right to refrain from mentioning their more sordid and dubious machinations. A definition

  • Answer lies in education

    REGARDING the escalation of juvenile crime, the Home Secretary's blitzkrieg on it and the Prime Minister's promise of education as a priority, I would like to provide readers with a little food for thought. Britain's education system is at rock bottom

  • Up in smoke: Blaze leaves band without equipment

    PULSE - music and more, with Simon Donohue THE massive mill fire which shocked East Lancashire last weekend has left a band facing an uncertain future. Blackburn group 1335 had stored thousands of pounds-worth of musical equipment in the building at Hoddlesden

  • ROVERS: Time runs out for Crespo

    TIME is not on Roy Hodgson's side if anything is to come of his interest in Parma's Argentine striker Hernan Crespo. And the Blackburn Rovers boss also revealed today that he is not prepared to meet the current asking price put on the head of teenage

  • Building society chief's funeral

    THE funeral of Marsden Building Society chief Eddie Shapland was held today in Burnley. Mr Shapland's funeral cortege left his home at Little Tom's Farm, Briercliffe, at 10am for a service at Ightenhill Methodist Church, Burnley, before cremation at Burnley

  • Krysia comfort for Blind Date's lone star

    BLIND Date babe Krysia Reidy wants a rendezvous with the hunk who rejected her on the TV matchmaking show. Millions of viewers saw David Smith, 28, take a trip to Nepal on his own after the beauty he chose on the show failed to turn up. Now Krysia, of

  • Goal in sight for easier cancer treatment trips

    CANCER patients from across East Lancashire could face shorter journeys for life-saving treatment from next year. Bosses at the Royal Preston Hospital have revealed that the second phase of its cancer unit will start this summer. The work, which will

  • Teen found dead after drug smoke

    A TEENAGER found his friend dead on his bed after an afternoon of smoking cannabis and watching television turned to tragedy, an inquest heard. Darren Ferguson, 18, told assistant coroner John Birch that he and his friend Nicky Kevin Moorcroft, 16, had

  • England the only setting

    REGARDING your article (LET, January 15) about the classic film, 'Whistle Down the Wind' being turned into a stage musical in America. The film was and always will be English, being set in Lancashire. It works because it is so English and true to the

  • Relative search

    I AM trying to trace living relatives of the following people who all came from Blackburn. Alice Jane Earnshaw, Margaret Brooks and Mary Ann Ramsbottom were sisters whose maiden name was Riley. Their parents, James and Elizabeth (Beth) Riley, lived in

  • CLARETS: Waddle turns to old guard

    CHRIS Waddle has welcomed some old faces back into the first team dressing room, working on the theory that familiarity doesn't need to breed contempt - rather it can boost confidence. Mark Winstanley and Jamie Hoyland are just two of the players who

  • CLARETS: When Bond released me, I went home and cried

    The Saturday Interview, with Andy Payton IT has taken Andy Payton 14 years to convince Burnley he's worth a shot. Not to mention 147 goals. The classic case of the young starlet who missed the net - but certainly not through his own doing. Burnley only