A shoplifter attacked a shop worker after being caught stealing wine.

Blackburn magistrates heard Amy Barnes was found to be stealing wine, and when she was challenged by a store assistant, she assaulted her.

Barnes, 27, of Newfield Drive, Nelson, pleaded guilty to two charges of shoplifting and one of assault.

She was jailed for 20 weeks.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said the courts viewed assaulting shop workers very seriously.

"They are just doing their job and should not have to deal with you stealing and then assaulting them when you are challenged," she said.

Susheela Regala, prosecuting, said Barnes entered the Spar shop on Netherfield Road and selected three bottles of wine.

A female member of staff intervened and CCTV showed Barnes and the assistant grappling in the store.

As they went through the door still struggling a male got involved trying to get Barnes away.

"Outside the shop the victim was struck twice to the face and then pulled to the floor by her pony tail," said Miss Regala.

She said the offences had been committed at around 8pm and earlier that day Barnes had appeared in court and been sentenced to eight weeks in custody suspended for 12 months for offences of shoplifting.

At the time of the offence Barnes was also subject to post sentence supervision and a community order.

Mark Williams, defending, said the offences had been committed about eight hours after Barnes had been sentenced.

"She has no desire to go to prison but accepts the position she has put herself in," said Mr Williams.

He said as she was leaving the store with the wine a trolley was pushed in front of her blocking her way.

"She is 12 weeks pregnant and she reacted to that," said Mr Williams.

"She concedes that punching the store worker was wholly inappropriate."