What school's best for our kids, our communities?

Our two, a few years back now, just went to our local schools, state, LEA, whatever.

We are not particularly religious, whilst locally we must respect the pioneering role of Churches in Victorian times as pioneers of school provision. We believe that Faith isn't a schooling factor, but again I respect it is for some.


So our two walked to school the local school, went to lessons, joined in sports & other clubs.

It went pretty well & they went on to take A levels at different local Colleges of their choice.

But is that the right way of doing things? In a way, we imposed some of our values on their routes through school.

Should we have this plethora of choice or is choice good? Did you dictate your kid's ways? Did you go to all Parent's Evenings? Join the PTA? Stand for hours on touch lines? Sit in pretty untuneful concerts?

Did you chose schools on academic performance?

What should happen? Do we take it seriously enough?