RE: School which banned teachers from raising their voices hits back at ‘unfair’ headlines.

It will be interesting to see in 15 years or so how these children have turned out.

Will they be the type of adults that become the vast majority of decent law-abiding citizens because they were taught right from wrong at an early age and were disciplined by various methods as they were growing up, including being caned if they did something wrong at school that warranted it?

Or will they develop into those few with the less desirable characteristics that even though they were treated the same, went on to become anti-social criminals and social misfits?

Through little discipline in the home, the school and increasingly more so in the courts and prisons, later generations seem to be producing more of the latter type of person than the former.

I dread to think what this country will be like in another 50 years.

true-brit (via web)