EVERY summer Trooping the Colour denotes the Queen's Official Birthday, when she bestows Honours on a whole range of people.

Half a dozen local folk were honoured. I know two of them well:- the Rogers (Dave & Pat) of Every Action Has Consequences Campaign & Nigel Dixon, a Chairman of Blackburn Community Sports Club.

Nicer, quieter, more unassuming people you'd probably struggle to find. But they have the elixir, the cocktail that makes a difference. I call this CVS:- Commitment, Vision & Stamina.

To drive on the thing you are passionate about you must have a commitment to it, you need to have vision & for damn sure, you'll need stamina. Blood, sweat & tears. Arte et Labore?

So these people, who live on a street near you, the most unpompous, self effacing characters you could imagine, have & will have their time in the limelight. Well deserved I say?

I don't think you could set off in any walk of life to secure for yourself such an honour. Some folk dedicate 20, 30, 40 years or more to their thing to do.

I understand some people are anti Honours. Some sneering sceptics undermine others who achieve their accolade.

Some celebrate alongside often as co-nominators of the Awardee. Anyone can nominate anyone for consideration.

Here's the form:- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/honours-how-to-write-citations

Why not give it a whirl? Why not sit with colleagues to consider it?

Does anyone come to mind?