RIBBLESDALE High School in Clitheroe has had it's rating upgraded after a team from Ofsted carried out an inspection.

The Queens Road school, which has 1,201 students, was judged to be 'good' following the visit at the start of the month.

When it was last inspected in June 2013 it was graded as 'requires improvement'.

The leadership and management, quality of teaching and the achievement of pupils were judged to be 'good'.

The behaviour and safety of pupils also received the same rating.

Lead inspector Fiona McNally said: "From their starting points, students make good progress and reach standards which are above average across a wide range of subjects, including English, mathematics and science.

"The achievement of disadvantaged students is good. The gaps between these students’ attainment and progress and that of other students is narrower than seen nationally.

"Teaching is good. Teachers’ questioning is used well to push students to think hard and express themselves fully.

"This enhances their oral and communication skills.

"Students’ behaviour is good. They conduct themselves well in lessons and as they move around the school.

"Students’ attitudes to learning are positive. They work hard and follow instructions well. They enjoy their learning because activities capture their


"Students’ attendance is above average and they are always punctual to school and lessons.

"They arrive to lessons well prepared for learning.

"Students are safe in school and say they feel safe.

"They understand how to keep themselves safe in different situations, including when using the internet.

"Leaders have worked effectively to ensure that teaching has improved since the last inspection.

"As a result, the achievement of different groups of students has also improved and is now good."

However she added that the school was not yet 'outstanding' because of issues including teaching, checks on learning and the achievement of lower-ability students.

Headteacher Stephen Cox, in a letter to parents, said: "The whole school community has worked extremely hard to deliver improvements in the two years since the last inspection and this was clearly acknowledged by the inspectors in the arrival at their judgement.

"There is a clear recognition of the excellent behaviour of our pupils.

"The high standards and expectations which are insisted upon in all areas within the school are praised.

"The report also praises the high quality teaching and learning which takes place at the school and clearly identifies the high level of achievement of our pupils.

"Despite receiving such a positive report, we are in no way complacent and will continue to strive to be the very best, ensuring that all areas of the school’s work aspires to be outstanding."