A FORMER PCSO who claims he was racially discriminated against by Lancashire Constabulary lacked ‘honesty and integrity’ according to the force bosses.

Assistant chief constable Wendy Walker was giving evidence at the tribunal bought by former Burnley PCSO Zahid Ahmed.

Mr Ahmed, 32, of Blackburn, has taken the Constabulary to an employment tribunal, claiming unfair dismissal and racial discrimination.

Ms Walker, who chaired a disciplinary hearing against Mr Ahmed on June 29 last year, said he had been found guilty at that hearing of failing to disclose information in relation to criminal activity, which is why he was dismissed.

Ms Walker said Mr Ahmed’s had provided inconsistent and contradictory evidence to officers “during the investigation and later hearing which further called into question his integrity and honesty, something that is integral to all staff at the Constabulary.

She said it was vital that the honesty of all officers could not be called into question. “I can’t think of any greater risk than a member of Lancashire Constabulary who does not have honesty and integrity.

It puts at risk those communities that we serve. “If somebody has a finding of not having honesty and integrity then they can no longer be members of the police force.”

Ms Walker said she had conducted the hearing and ‘read all associated paperwork thoroughly’.

Mr Ahmed claims he was victimised by the county’s force bosses.

He claims officers had failed to acknowledge his Asian ‘culture and heritage’.

The hearing continues.

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