HOUSEHOLDS are being encouraged to give children the gift of healthy lungs this Christmas.

The Quit Squad, Lancashire’s stop smoking service, is encouraging people in Lancashire to consider the dangers of passive smoking and make a Smoke Free Pledge this Christmas.

Gareth Beck from the Quit Squad said second hand smoke is particularly dangerous to children as they have less well-developed airways, lungs and immune systems.

He said:

“We would like to convey a Merry Christmas to the people of Lancashire, and as families and friends get together over the festive period we would like to let people know that children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of second hand smoke. "Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s harmless.

"With over 80 percent of second hand smoke invisible and odourless, every time a child breathes in second hand smoke, they breathe in thousands of chemicals which put them at risk of serious health conditions, including glue ear, asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory disorders.

“Second hand smoke also puts adults at risk of the same diseases as smokers, including cancer and heart disease.

"Opening a window or restricting smoking to a specific room or in the car offers minimal protection against exposure to second hand smoke.

"The best way to protect family and friends is to give up smoking and make a Smoke Free Pledge."

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