A YEAR long collection by a church congregation has led to the purchase of solar-powered radios which have been sent to Africa.

The congregation of Feniscowles Methodist Church saved small sums weekly in collection boxes made by one of the members. At the annual Harvest Festival service earlier this month, instead of bringing gifts of fruit and vegetables, they took along their boxes and the money collected was donated to charity.

The selected charity this year was HCJB Global which is an international organisation which has its UK base in Bradford. It provides SonSet radios, solar powered radios set to a particular frequency, to remote communities in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and South East Asia.

Besides providing a Christian message to many who have not heard about Christianity before, they offer health advice and guidance on farming techniques. The total raised in these harvest boxes this year was £302, enough to supply about 15 of the SonSet radios.

The donation was in addition to the regular weekly collection of food to take to the Blackburn Foodbank.