Plaits and braids might be the hairstyle of the summer, but just because you've traded in your sundress for jeans and a light jumper doesn't mean you have to ditch your plaited looks too.

So as you're buying ankle booties and swapping in some new autumn makeup, why not try some celebrity approved plaits.

As autumn has crept up on us, so did The X Factor.

I must say Rita Ora is absolutely rocking the micro Dutch plaits.

It is completely her style. Its not to everybody's taste but she can sure pull this look off.

Some plaits are for practical reason. That bugging fringe!

Trying to grow your fringe out can be a slow process when it constantly reminds you that its there. Many clients ask if we can plait the fringe to the side.

Either French, Dutch or lace.

This can be tricky if your hair is quite short, having a can of hairspray to hand can help.


Not only do plaits looks nice but the effect they give when pulled out is effortless.

Two French plaits at night is the perfect bed hair. Shake it out in the morning and put a little quirky twist or plait in.

Even a simple French plait can be so effective.

With a bit of height and loose fly aways can be the perfect day look.

With this style its giving your hair a rest from the holiday sun and heated appliances. Gives your hair time to recover for the ultimate Christmas hair.

Haseena is the owner of Dark secrets hair and can be contacted on 01254 677500.