Dear Massi

I just found out that my saas (mother-in-law) secretly goes clubbing. My cousin saw her in a bhangra club ‘giving it loads’.

Apparently she was dancing with loads of younger guys.

She seemed to know all the staff in there which suggests she’s a regular.

I know she goes out in the evenings, but she always says she’s going to a religious circle. The thing is, she behaves so religious at home. She only watches the religious channels and is lecturing me.

How can I take her seriously when she has a whole other secret life?.

Massi Says

It is understandable that you have been shocked by the revelations from your cousin about your mother-in-law.

However, your mother-in-law’s nocturnal activities are her own choice. They are not the concern of either you or your cousin.

Your mother-in-law’s choices do not impact your life.

You don’t need to be worrying about what she watches on TV and where she socialises.