Whoever said marriage was easy? And some men really do have it tough.

Look at the case of the poor man in India whose wife refused to his nurse him when he had chickenpox.

Correction. Whose estranged wife refused to nurse him when he had chickenpox.

What person in their right mind asks their ex-partner to ‘nurse’ them in time of sickness?

As a result of the estranged wife’s ‘mental cruelty’ and ‘agony,’ the judge granted the beleaguered victim a divorce.

“The respondent after having suffered from chickenpox was required to have outside food (takeaways) for a period of almost nine months.

“The agony and plight of the respondent during the process of recovery cannot be ignored.”

These clichés do unfortunately run rife, even here in the UK.

One man cited his wife turning vegetarian as a valid reason for divorce. She refused to handle meat, let alone cook it. Rather than learn to cook himself, he decided divorce was the natural trajectory.

A friend revealed her mother-in-law told her son he should divorce her because she didn’t clean the toilets in the house properly.

After hearing horror stories like that it is no wonder that more than half of British women over the age of 16 are unmarried.

A recent survey revealed Britain has the highest divorce rate in the European Union. Although acrimonious divorces are hardly a new concept.

In what is dubbed Britain's biggest-ever divorce settlement, former Miss Malaysia, Pauline Chai, told a judge that her husband would spend ‘hours’ reading and working while sitting on the toilet.

According to Chai, her estranged husband took his work to the bathroom so much, that she ordered a padded toilet seat to soothe his backache. Now that’s true love for you!