‘I’d never let my daughter marry a Pakistani man. A Muslim, yes. But not a Pakistani. There is no such thing as a Pakistani gentleman. Look at my husband.’ It’s funny what you overhear when you’re at an iftari.

This was swiftly followed by, “I am going to interrogate anyone that wants to marry my daughter. If he can’t make rote haandi, he’s not marrying her.”

It’s astonishing how this generation of Asian women has distinctly changed her perspective on what warrants good husband material.

This changed outlook has been mirrored in a new survey which has defined what makes a real man.

A true gent will record your favourite TV programmes for you and will watch rom-coms with you without complaining He will also ‘like’ all your Facebook photos and drive you somewhere if it is raining.

And most importantly, he will notice your new hairstyle almost immediately.

With doltish criteria like that it makes you wonder what kind of needy, attention deprived women were used in this study.

Real men do none of the above. Unless they’re stalking you of course. Although you've got to love Miranda Hart’s definition of a real man, “It's a real man who can go out with a woman who's taller than he is. That's an alpha male right there.”

Real men are all around you. He’s the guy that wipes his nose on his t-shirt. He’s the guy that spits his phlegm out of the window when he drives.

One friend revealed that when a man and his family came round for the habitual chai rishta scenairio, the prospective groom was texting the entire time. When she asked him if everything was okay as he appeared to be rather preoccupied, he replied nonchalantly, “I’m just texting my girlfriend, innit.”

Another friend was left more than disgruntled when her ‘perfect’ boyfriend admitted that his wife was pregnant with baby number four, but graciously asked her if she would consider being wife number 2.

Which makes you wonder, how many more of these mindless surveys can we inhale?

The study goes on to say that today’s perfect man will also avoid disturbing you by sleeping in the spare room after a night out, will watch the football on his laptop rather than hog the TV and carries you when your shoes hurt your feet.

Who are these men? Where can they be found? If you exist, please, make yourselves known.

One self-professed ‘real man’ earnestly revealed the ideal aesthetic, "The real man is the one who listened to his parents and had the arranged marriage. He's the guy who has discreet, controlled flings on the side. But he will never leave the boring wife."

The 'Real Man'....if ever there was a fictional concept.