Dear Massi, I was going out with a girl and she suddenly told me that I was too short.

I am 5ft 6in and she was the same height. We were together for several months and I thought things were going well, but then she just came out with it.

I hate that I am too small. It has really dented my confidence and I keep wishing I was taller.

I am 18-years-old and all my friends are taller than me. It doesn’t bother them. I can take the odd joke but this recent incident has made miserable.

Massi Says, There are many couples out there where the female is taller than the male.

The problem here lies with your girlfriend’s insecurities, not yours.

If your girlfriend holds a narrow-minded view about how couples are supposed to look, this speaks volumes about how shallow she is.

Don’t let this break-up affect your self-confidence or your future relationships.

If someone uses something as fickle as height to not be with you, then you are better off without them.