Dear Massi, One of my friends wants to marry my sister and I am not happy about it.

We have known each for many years and he has always been someone I could trust.

The problem is I know the girls he has been with and I don’t want the guy to come anywhere near my family.

He is very religious now and has changed quite a lot. Before he became more religious he used to smoke weed and hang around in clubs all the time. I know I should look beyond this but I can’t. He wants me to approach my family as he knows we are looking for a rishta for my sister. I don’t know what to say to him.

I keep putting things off. I don’t want this to come between us but it will.

Massi Says, It is always difficult to accept when a friend expresses an interest in one's sister. However, you have clearly stated that your friend has always been someone you can trust.

Furthermore, you said yourself that your friend has changed. It is unfair to judge him solely on his past.

No-one can change their past, but it seems that your friend is being proactive about his future.

You should express your concerns with your sister, but in a fair way.

Instead of being judgmental, look at your friend and react to how he behaves now rather than how did in the past which could well have just been a phase.